Basic Usage

Basic Usage#

First import packages

import asyncio, pyvts

Then specify your plugin info, you can use the default value and skip this step,

plugin_info = {
    "plugin_name": "start pyvts",
    "developer": "Genteki",
    "authentication_token_path": "./token.txt"

Use async prefix to define a main function. Create vts instance in main.

async def main():
    vts = pyvts.vts(plugin_info=plugin_info)
    await vts.connect()

Continue with main function, to get access of more features, we need to get authenticated from Vtube Studio API.

    await vts.request_authenticate_token()  # get token
    await vts.request_authenticate()  # use token

Then you can do whatever you want, like add a new parameter/set values for parameter.

    new_parameter_name = "start_parameter"
    await vts.request(
    )  # add new parameter

After all, use vts.close() to disconnect from VTS and add main function to async quene.

    if __name__ == "__main__":

After sucessfully connected, you will see in VTubeStudio settings

In vts.request_authenticate_token, it will request a token from Vtube Studio API, and save it in local file. While requesting token, a dialog will show up in VTube Studio app. Then, vts.request_authenticate will use the token to get accessed.